Sunday, May 17, 2009

Watching the Gorillas

I went to the zoo last weekend and since the weather was glorious and sunny I got some great shadow shots and had a hard time picking just one...but I liked this one.

It's the happy shadows of lots of people leaning against the glass railing to the gorilla enclosure. They are all watching the new baby gorilla enjoying being outside for the first time! You don't get to see the baby but I can see at least two shadows taking photos and a kid swinging on the rail!
For more fun shadow shots visit Hey Harriets blog at :


  1. This is a fabulous shadow shot. I really love the way it's composed! Hey if you can't decide a fave shadow shot to share please feel free to post as many as you like. I'm certainly keen to see a whole selection! Have a great Sunday :)

  2. That's cool - instantly reminded me of wayang kulit.

  3. Such a cool shot..looks so great on the rocky backdrop! :)

  4. That is a wonderful shot! From your description I can almost see all the excited people standing at the railing.

  5. A really interesting take on taking photos of people. And I can see the kid hanging from the railing!

  6. That's a neat shot....going to the zoo and you end up people watching:)

  7. Really great shadow shot! :-)

  8. Very cool picture!
    I was trying to figure out what it was before I read your post. I thought it might be the hands of people spelling a word. Good thing I read on...I would have been sitting here forever trying to figure out what it spelled! hahaha.
    Have a nice day!

  9. What a great shadow shot! I love it! I love zoos, too, went last Sunday and it was so lovely! Happy SSS! Have a great week!

  10. wonderful shot. Certainly looks like happy hands to me :)

  11. LOL ... very kewl shadow shot! Gorillas indeed ;--)
    Mine's at Sacred Ruminations today.
    Hugs and blessings,

  12. This is an awesome pure gorillas, eh? Kidding! This really awesome. I thought it's what you said.

    Analysing shadows is what I use to. I don't read what my co-participant wrote. Then, if I can't guess, so time to read the text §:-))

    Hope you have a nice w/k ahead.

  13. Sometimes the shadow is more interesting than the subject itself. Very cool shot.

  14. That is very original and I like it very, very much. Happy SSS!

  15. Thank you for your comment on my site.
    YES we did find the cache, under a tree stump.
    You take some nice photos.

  16. wonderful perspective, fun and unique

  17. Great SS! It's neat to see the shadows of the hands with the cameras against the rugged rock wall. Thanks for commenting on my blog today! Happy new week!

  18. Fun especially as it reveals with your words.

  19. Super shadow shot! At first I thought the shadows were monkey softies hanging on a line. I guess I was close ;)

  20. Such a cool shadow shot! It's great on it's own but even better having the background story to go with it.
